Tuesday, September 10, 2013

How to I get more viewers on Twitch?

This is a great question and one that I don't think has been answered very well online.

Typically when you search this question, you will find a lot of videos that will say: 'be nice', 'interact with your viewers', 'stream a lot'. And all of these things are good, but they really lack what people are looking for, the truth! 

I am not a huge streamer, I have been streaming for just over a month now, but I have researched this question, talked to successful streamers, and have combined all of this with my internet marketing knowledge to come up with this list:

1-Be Consistent!
Being consistent is rightly number one on my list as it is the most important. Set a schedule, and STICK TO IT! Act like it is your job and it is very important for you to show up. Consistancy will do more for your streaming than almost anything you can do. Don't let excused get in the way, just remember this quote when you are justifying not streaming:

"Justification is the lubrication on the bobsled to Hell!"
 -Tyson Godfrey

2-Be Everywhere!
Be on youtube(post videos all the time), be on blogger, be on wordpress, be on game forums(ALL OF THEM), be on twitter, be on facebook, be on raptr, be on How-To websites, be on every freakin website from here to Tallahassee!!(Just a small disclaimer: every *applicable* website) Having a large web presence will do 3 things for you: 1-it will provide direct referals(meaning people from the websites you have posted on) 2-It will increase your rankings on google searches, 3-It will bring you outside of just the twitch community, which will bring you more word-of-mouth referrals.

3-Be what you want to be!
Because people like generalizations, I will use one! There are two types of successful streamers, the streamer who plays what is new and popular and the streamer that pretty much plays only one game or genre. Both are good choices and both have their own challenges. Lets talk about them both!

New/Popular Game Streamers
This path is a lot easier to get viewers with than the singular game path, the nice thing is that the game producers have already done the advertising for you! There are people who are just waiting to see what the new games are like, watching a streamer is a good way to sort of 'try before you buy'. Many will just come to watch you even if they have no plans on buying that game. Typically when you choose this path, you dont actually have to be very good at the games, just be funny, people will like that and follow you.

-Easier to get viewers in a short amount of time
-You don't have to be very good at the games

-Always playing the new games means buying the new games

Same Game/Genre Streamers
This path can be a bit slower AND you will have to either be REALLY funny, or at least pretty good. The mean reason people watch these types of streamers is because they are pretty good and you can learn a lot from them. Very few get by just being funny(unless it is a horror game). It is a really good idea to seek out sponsors when you are trying to do this type of streaming, they can bring in some needed viewer numbers.
The other thing to consider when doing this type is that this will take a longer amount of time to build a viewer base. It is important to pay very close attention to events within your chosen game, if there is a pro tournament going on, you are not likely to get a lot of viewers if you stream normally, try streaming the tournament and casting it! Maybe partner with other streamers for such events.

-Typically a more dedicated viewer base and less turnover
-More likely to gain sponsor support

-Slower growth within viewer base

BONUS!! - Be....a Girl!(or just shave/trim and shower)
Let me first say that it is not my intention to offend anyone. People like to see something different, and let's be honest, the majority of twitch streamers are gnarly, unshaven, un-showered, man-gouls!

Let me know what you think!

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